Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This movie is sheer brilliance. It's hard to tell whether this movie is a romantic comedy, or a coming-of-age drama. The plot circles around Max Fischer, who is an over-ambitious, extra-curricular high school student, whom befriends a Mr. Herman Blume. Both Max and Blume fall in love with the attractive and interesting first grade teacher, Miss Cross. The love triangle affects Blume's and Max's relationship in both a humorous and somewhat saddening way. All three characters are well-defined and the directing and photography are simply beautiful, with the use of the fall season to set the background. Every single line of the film is said with such a brilliant charm, it has to be seen to be believed. Many will not find a whole lot of comedy in this film without repeated viewing, but it is well worth it. The fact that Max is virtually blind to the age difference between him and Miss Cross brings a smile to my face with every viewing. Also, Mr. Blume sees himself within Max's personality, and is probably some of the reason that they form a friendship in which they both respect each other and resent each other. In the end, they find their relationship to be a great treasure, and is one of the reasons this film is so beautiful. I don't know whether this is a comedy or drama, but I love it, and those who don't might want to give it another or even a few more chances. The features on this DVD are both incredibly entertaining, and very insightful. Definitely Criterion status.


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